Question: Where do I submit saves? Answer: https://www.savewizard.net/support-game-request.php

Question: They’re missing my region. What can I do? Answer: Send in your save following the normal standards except put in the description that your region isn't supported.

Question: The DLC Save isn’t supported. Do I submit them? Answer: Yes. Submit the DLC save as normal just make note that it is a DLC Save. They don’t guarantee to support DLC so if they add it or not is entirely up to them.

Question: My Save is larger than 40mb. Where do I submit it? Answer: Send in your save like normal except upload it to Google Drive and include it in the description.

FAQ (Cont.):

Question: I'm having issues and need help! Answer: Use the support tab on the website found here for .Net or here for .Com You can also ask in the fan made Discord Server here.

Question: I found a bug where do I report this? Answer: If you can replicate it, zip up your save and make a step by step instructions on how you recreated it and email it to support.

Question: Can I get a trial version or beta version? Answer: No, Save Wizard currently does not offer ether of these. They have in the past, but this lead to leaks. It likely will not be returning.

Question: One of the games listed doesn't work anymore. Where do I submit this? Answer: Use the support form on their website so they can update the cheats.

Last updated